Inspiring People Keep Me Goin’ On Mondays

I had always wanted to try my hand at Fashion Designing. But, for now, it’s just part of my ‘Ultimate Goal’ section of the personal diary I keep.

I read an article online on Mr.Sabyasachi Mukherjee- about his early years as a young man, struggling to convince his parents to support his dreams, but eventually doing the right thing in the process, which was to follow his heart! And the results were rewarding. He became one of the most famous designers of India, and today he is the most sought-after when it comes to bridal-wear and a celebrated Fashion Designer!

And he is my inspiration today- on a Monday, to wake up and keep moving forward.

The most important thing about having someone to look up to for inspiration is- it keeps you going no matter what! The never give up attitude transforms a person, inside-out, and brings that person one step closer to the ultimate goal. Which is important if you have goals that you want to get to, but the annoying trio- ‘Give Up’, ‘Impossible’ and ‘Failure'(GIF) keep whispering into your ears like mosquitoes!

Though the doubts creep into our lives and people tell us to look at the world through the lens of reality, our goal is not forgotten amidst the dark shadows cast by the GIF trio! The dream stays alive in our heart like a candle in the dark even if a thousand years rolled by.

The path may seem twisted in a million ways. And sometimes, it can even feel like you are going in circles! But, you keep going even on days when you feel like closing your eyes and curling up in to a ball or even walking away because too much time has passed..

It may seem like a no-brainer to dream or even have goals when half your life is now in the past. But still, once a dream is born in your heart, it becomes a living-creature inside you. It keeps growing inside us with each passing day. But once the baby is born, once the goal materializes and becomes a real thing, all the dark tales of a life you lived wanting to reach your dreams become tales of endurance and perseverance.

People like Mr.Sabyasachi Mukherjee are a true inspiration to many. I still hold on to my dreams and goals because people like him have shown the world what it means to never give up irrespective of your circumstances! That is a lesson worth learning. Keep Going and Keep Believing!! 🙂

EDIT:- Previously, this article was titled “My Monday Muse”. But then, I realized the proper usage of muse and promptly changed the title. 😉

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